Women know a lot of techniques, thanks to which they manage to awaken in man the desire for sex. There is a perception that using these techniques must only representatives of the fair sex, but compared to him, this is not necessary.

However, caring men who really want to make pleasure to his partner, wondering how to excite a woman. Perhaps, they do to a certain extent and for himself, because if she is satisfied, and that man is capable of giving pleasure.
What are the steps to do?
The men realize that the representatives of the opposite sex are different, which means that the approach of each of them must look to the individual. And yet, there are tips that will help you to excite the partner, well, or, at least, to set the mood of the evening.
Romance. Organize his or her need for safe sex, if he expects a continued pleasant evening.
A candle and a delicious dinner – the first step to create the right atmosphere. Away from all the men of the leaders, and this is not necessary. You can build a light dinner, but even if and do is not under the effect, you can order food from a café or a restaurant.
Everyone knows that there are a lot of products, so to say, lift a man's mood, but also on the libido, also, you can assign the help of food. Excitement of the representative of the beautiful sex, it will be easier, if it taste the banana, orange, corn, currants, grapes, honey, pistachio, mango, shrimp, vanilla, chocolate.
All together one can, of course, not on the table, but even one or more products in this list will be sufficient. Helps to relax and a little bit of alcohol, and all the two. Only these spirits in large quantities to consume is not the money, not to relax too much.
Moreover, alcohol does play the hormones, and so the excitement can come at once quickly:
- Flowers. The representatives of the stronger sex feel that comes the bouquet is banal, uninteresting, and generally disappeared, but it is far from being the case. The flowers will help it to get closer, not only mentally, but also challenge the woman to the physical proximity. They can also differentially act on the weaker sex. For example, the hollyhock, ylang-ylang, jasmine has a scent that will help you set up the representative of the beautiful sex to the romantic ambience;
- The words. Who does not know that the woman likes ears. The soft words, said in a whisper, have a magical effect. Of course, they should be on how beautiful she is, beautiful as are formed of the loops on his shoulders and tempting sparkle to the eyes;
- Excite your partner and help you to correct sentences in a duo with the hand, caress – soft, sensual. Need to find her erogenous zones. Most of the members of the fairer sex are enjoyable to caress the chest, the neck, the hips, but each of them is unique, and the man must try to find a point, which is an erogenous zone exclusively for it. For someone it may be the toes of someone, like the caresses of the bending of the elbows, and someone and stroking the root of the hair;
- The massage. Tactile caresses can cause among the partners, the desire for more touch and massage in this case, you will need to very useful. Begin its better for the back, then ask the girl to lie down on the belly. Begin massage movements with the neck, gently walking on the back along the spine. Massage order is, therefore, important to dos need to get off the hands to the hips, and then on the feet of his toes, the soles of the feet. For many women, the feet and legs – the erogenous zones, but if the touch is too easy, the partner may experience tickles unpleasant, and these feelings can completely flush out the romance. Having noticed the slightest discomfort on his part, the man must stop to massage a given geographical area. This erotic massage in the home ends. Help the girl to turn around, to lie on the back. Touching your face, neck, ears, continue in the direction of the chest, the stomach;
- Of odors. Not worth it to ignore and, moreover, during the massage also. The vanilla, patchouli, musk, mint, jasmine, ylang-ylang, all these smells are able to give the partner the right mood. During a massage, you can use the oil with these scents, not to intervene, and aroma candles create an intimate environment. In this case, it is important not to overdo it. If too many perfumes, they are invasive, can cause headaches;
- Music. It is well to stimulate the sexual desire, and here is what it should be, depends on the preferences of the young girl. It is believed that the best thing to do is excite the calm music, or one who loves the most the partner. Better, if it will not seem strong, but otherwise a romantic evening is in danger of becoming in concert.

The women love and the eyes
A lot of people think that this is only for the representatives of the stronger sex, but ladies too much focused not only on the auditory organs.
What can horny woman in the sight of men?
- Carelessly unbuttoned shirt. Nearly 2/3 of the members of the fairer sex have a sexual attraction, if in front of them a man in carelessly shirt unbuttoned;
- Tight Jeans or shorts. When the form of men in a dress is excited at about half of the fairer sex;
- Sunglasses. Apparently, in the men in sunglasses the girls saw the enigma, that is what makes all four of them to feel the passion for him;
- The repair of a car. A man passionate about this business, is able to induce the sexual desire of more than 30% of the fairer sex;
- The preparation of the food. Nearly half of the young girls like it when a representative of the stronger sex is being prepared in the kitchen.
In addition, the girl can feel the excitement when it impressive, sitting, lying prone, asleep or goes with straightened shoulders.
Some of the representatives of the fair sex can horny at the sight of the male lingerie, even if everything the see in the store.
If a woman of 40
Sex in an age of rapidly excite is not always possible. A reduced impact on the hormonal activity, due to which it stops in the required amount of stand out of fat, the sexual attraction to the opposite sex in general, it is not also, as previously indicated.
Sometimes, to obtain quickly the excitement of his partner, who in 40 years, it is necessary to use a lubricant, but it is only the physical aspect.
Is not less important and the attitude of mind of the woman. It is possible to perform the same way as with women of other age categories – romance, caresses, sweet words, massage, beautiful music, relaxing aromas.
Particular attention should be given to the words that you say. Due to certain physiological characteristics at this age, they can experience the psychological discomfort, worrying about his appearance more than was previously known. It is important to convey to your partner that she is sexually attractive, and if there are difficulties, they can be overcome, in particular through the man.
Can it excite frigid women?
If the girl is indifferent to the intimate, in every sense eludes them, feel the aversion to the mere thought of sex or is not able to reach orgasm, it is called the self.
In fact, these women are very few, and in many cases, the girls who refuse sex, the others are right, the negative experience of the previous relationship, the mistrust towards the partner, etc, Lack of orgasm, and also, may not be the manifestation of frigidity, and the sign that a man is bad tried.
Excite frosty to the woman if she is really such, this is really difficult. For this, it is necessary to know not only her erogenous zones, who, like other women, "optional" are to be found in the chest area, genitals, thighs, but also to customize its psychologically. To do this, you have to find the cause of his problems.
In some cases, these girls need to work your doctor. The specialist performs the interviews on the special features of the intimate relationship, discreet, and with the help of a test determines what are the erogenous zones in the girl.
If a woman is really such, home use excitatory drug is unlikely, but if and the solution is not to be.

Even if the partners in a stable relationship with the other, the sex is always different. The two partners must always seek new ways of "doing" and meet each other, otherwise, with time, relations may seem like two cutesy and in a stalemate.